Peaceable Writer

The world is round so that friendship may encircle it.



The world is round so that friendship may encircle it. So said visionary Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

Allegedly. True or not, it’s a sentiment I love.

That quote attributed to the philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin came from an old wise woman who told me many stories of de Chardin. She knew him in the 1950s. Neither is alive today so I can’t confirm it.

The quote hung on my old WordPress blog—about fountain pens, ink, and notebooks—for over fourteen years.

That blog was taken down in the fall of 2024. I’ve decided to have one place, one personal website where my writer self resides. There’s more freedom here to write about anything, as opposed to specific things. I’ll still talk about writing tools (which is what pens, ink, and notebooks are, ay?).

Don’t worry. This won’t turn into one of those annoying writer blogs that tells you how to write or complains about the hardships of a writer’s life. That’s always been boring to me. Besides, I’m forever a student of writing, not a teacher. The older I get, the more I don’t know. Not because of some elder memory loss, but because one’s perspective broadens in a way you realize you only know what works for yourself. Still, I’m gonna talk about writing from time to time.

This site a work in progress—slow progress as I figure out what this place will be.

Why do I call myself “Peaceful Writer”? Short version: I’m a lifelong student of peace and nonviolence who is also a storyteller.

Stay kind and curious, dear friends.

—JD Eames, playwright turning novelist. She/her/human in the Southwest.

The fountain pen below is a bespoke Edison Huron made from Bexley Yellowstone, an Italian acrylic. Brian Grey of Edison Pen Co. made the pen for me in 2009. A great pen made by a really good human.

featured photo: Edison Huron made from Bexley Yellowstone acrylic