Peaceable Writer

The world is round so that friendship may encircle it.

February 2025 update

16 February 2025

The draft of my novel has been completed, but there is still much work to do—tightening, editing, and polishing. This leaves more time for neglected chores, like working on this new site.

I’m going through old WordPress posts and deciding which to revive. The first fountain pen post is up about the Edison Huron I acquired in 2009.

For those of you with RSS readers, RSS feeds have been activated. There will be a search box, navigation between pages, and a site index at some point.

Now, for some commentary:

Of course it’s a coup.- Timothy D. Snyder

We cannot wait for rescue. We are the first responders. In my state, our Senators—Democrats—were confirming unqualified nominees until New Mexicans called on them to stop. We can’t afford hopelessness. We must keep the pressure on our representatives, no matter who they are. Big or small actions matter. Most importantly, we must take care of each other.

Hang tough and tender, friends.

See you anon, –JD

featured photo: Sandhill Cranes, dawn at the Bosque del Apache National Refuge, November 2024. They migrate to New Mexico in November and stay until February.