The world is round so that friendship may encircle it.
SLB 1946 - 2024
26 February 2025
a year ago she died
lone blue heron fishes pond
I watch as rain falls
My favorite spot in Golden Gate Park is North Lake, a small body of water. Generally, quiet and little travelled, North Lake offers good birdwatching opportunities. It’s been awhile since I’ve visited, but for many years, you could find one or two Great Blue Herons fishing, or sitting in a tree overlooking the water.
North Lake, Golden Gate Park, photo from wikicommons.
SLB was an ardent wanderer of San Franciso, and we spent many hours wandering parks and neighborhoods together.
She read or listened to every draft I wrote, including the novel I’m working on now. It grieves me she didn’t get to read or hear how the story ended. It grieves me more that she’s not here to talk and wander with.
featured photo: SLB in Sutro Park, San Francisco, June 2014